
Todos a la Carcel

Si Señor, don Álvaro Pons nos ha puesto una reseña en su archiconocido, hipevisitado y supermineralizado blog La carcel de papel (pongo la dirección por corrección, pq creo que todo el mundo que esta interesado en esto del comic la visita habitualmente). Más o menos lo que pone es lo que ya me comentó telefónicamente cuando contacté con él para el tema de la presentación. Tuvimos la suerte de tenerle de maestro de ceremonias y fué un placer conocerle como profesional y como persona.

En fin, agradecerle a Álvaro que se haya acordado de nosotros y sus consejos y opiniones que nos servirán para mejorar en el futuro (así lo espero)

Podéis leer la reseña aqui mismo

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Blogger dijo...

Do you realize there is a 12 word phrase you can speak to your partner... that will trigger deep feelings of love and instinctual attraction for you deep inside his heart?

Because hidden in these 12 words is a "secret signal" that triggers a man's instinct to love, look after and look after you with all his heart...

12 Words Will Trigger A Man's Love Impulse

This instinct is so built-in to a man's genetics that it will make him try harder than before to do his best at looking after your relationship.

Matter-of-fact, triggering this dominant instinct is absolutely mandatory to getting the best possible relationship with your man that the moment you send your man one of these "Secret Signals"...

...You'll immediately find him open his heart and soul for you in a way he haven't experienced before and he'll identify you as the only woman in the galaxy who has ever truly appealed to him.